it starts tomorrow and i am insanely worried just about remembering everything i need to remember and getting everything done that i need to get done before term ends.
i feel like this right now:
•Eagle Eye- not really my type of movie, but for some reason i really liked it. maybe it was shia labeouf in all his shining, beautiful glory (if you can't tell already, i sweat him like no other), or maybe the whole "big brother" theme of the movie got me.
you know the old, "someone's always watching" and all that... well it was really intense in that movie, it makes me want to learn more about how much involvement the government really has in out everyday life, whether it be cell phone conversations, things posted on line (hey, this is posted online....) and other seemingly mundane things that we do every day that relates to technology.
a subject worth investigating i think.
• On a not so Light Note:
--There was a shooting outside an underage night club here in Portland last night. Nine were shot (7 of which were teenagers like myself), two died, and one is still in critical condition at the hospital.
The man who shot all these people (and then turned the gun on himself) must have been obviously clinically insane, for he has no known relation to any of the victims, meaning it was just a senseless act of violence.
All of this horror (and talking about the situation with my parents and a couple friends) got me thinking about gun control in this country, or rather the lack there of. I think back to Columbine, and the ease with which those teenage boys bought firearms at the local Wallmart.
Just yesterday, i was at the neighborhood hole-in-the-wall market that sells donuts and gatorade and cigarettes and stuff like that, and placed right above the cigarettes on a shelf (and some resting on top of the coke cooler) were boxes that contained guns for sale.
i was thinking about the ease that it would probably take for someone to buy/steal these guns.
they weren't even behind bars.
this scared me because i think about some of the people i see at my high school every day.
some of the people i see just look so downright unhappy. this doesn't necessarily mean they're sportin' trench coats or anything like that, but they're general demeanor just seems indifferent... something that really freaks me out at times.
i think of how easy it would be for someone to bring weapons to school, and do a lot of damage, whether they knew the full extent of their actions or not.
ANYWAYS, just something i was thinking about.
i think i will write a letter to President Obama concerning the issue of (in my opinion very essential issue) of gun-ownership reform here in the U.S.
-i can now play guitar hero on medium with an average of about 80-85% of notes hit. i am very happy about this.
here is me and my lovely cousin playing:
it made my heart sing, and my life complete.
i completely love and adore this movie.
see it see it see it see it see it see it see it see it.
and download this: "O... Saya" by AR Rahman and M.I.A. (amazing song from the movie)
-i am going to the beach on thursday night to celebrate my friend henna's 18th birthday with her and some of her friends. it will be a nice little celebration after finals, and should be all around fun.
okay time for sleep now
:) peace + <3
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